Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Lately I've been working on an art project that I have tried to mix with genius hour. I can't upload the progress so far on my art doodle because my scanner is not a nice piece of machinery but I will get it up sometime. Looks good though..yep

Monday, February 10, 2014


Despite the short time period I've spent as co-contributor here, I feel like I have made a bit of progress at being able to draw above a third grade level. As I've mentioned before (I think?) I don't have a Taylor Level of art skill, and my creation of art is generally limited to drawing on statistics homework with the occasional spark of inspiration. However, since beginning this, my irresponsible homework doodling has taken on a new level of skill. The days of stick people is over, and now I can procrastinate more efficiently by a creating a Michelangelo Status Masterpiece (well, maybe not that good, but it's certainly not a stick person.) 

(Also, as a means of making mine and Taylor's posts distinct from each other, you no longer have to scroll down and look for a name, you can just see the different fonts. Taylor will be using whatever the default is, and I'll be using Trebuchet, which I believe is not recognized for it's true potential.)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Why Draw? (2.0)

As a new contributor for this blog, I figured I would follow in Taylor's footsteps and jot down a deep and meaningful reason as to why I'm here. Unlike Taylor, however, I have no deep and meaningful reason, nor am I helping any future career prospect through doing this. Simply put, I'm pretty sub-par at drawing, and I'm doing this just to learn how to, and it will in no way have the long term benefits for me that it will for my blonde counterpart. I do like drawing, and isn't doing something you enjoy meaning enough to do it? (Taylor supplies the talent on here, I supply cynicism and philosophical nuances.) (Also links to things and printer/scanner access to the talent.)

On Track

Having been in art this trimester, both this project and that class have aligned perfectly to implement each other. We are creating as well as shading realistic people and still life statues. This willgive me more experience in what I want to accomplish with this project.

Everything will come together in the end. I trust my artistic skills and I believe this will help me in the future for I intend to major in graphic design. It's always good to broaden your horizons!!

Why Draw?

Over the years, art has been very important to me as a person. It acts as an escape from the outside world almost in the same way one reads a book. I have always drawn different subjects based on what I am enjoying at the time such as abstract designs, animals, or enviornments, but the one thing that i have never really attempted to perfect is how to draw a person. If i ever attempted to, it always came out with a "cartoonish" look that I wasn't satisfied with, so hopefully taking the time to learn and focus on one subject will add to my ever growing love for art.